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Santa Casa BH realiza primeiro transplante duplo do estado
A Santa Casa BH (SCBH), maior hospital transplantador de órgãos, tecidos e células de Minas Gerais, realizou, em fevereiro deste ano, o primeiro transplante duplo de coração e rim do estado. O procedimento inédito teve duração de oito horas, e foi feito pelas equipes de transplante cardíaco e renal. Cerca de 10 profissionais atuaram diretamente no procedimento e muitos outros indiretamente. Procedimento De acordo com o
Niterói aposta em organizações sociais nas administrações de hospitais
Ao longo da última semana, dois editais de seleção para que organizações sociais (OSs) administrem os hospitais municipais Carlos Tortelly, no Bairro de Fátima, e Mário Monteiro, em Piratininga, foram publicados pela Prefeitura de Niterói, gerando revolta entre servidores da saúde na cidade. As entidades profissionais, que marcaram uma manifestação na quarta-feira (29/03), acusam o município de querer privatizar as unidadesm e citam exemplos problemáticos de
Nutricionista do São Cristóvão Saúde explica como celebrar páscoa de forma mais saudável
A Páscoa, que este ano acontece em 9 de abril, é marcada pela troca de chocolates, uma das grandes apostas do comércio para a venda de produtos, como ovos de chocolate, barras e caixas de bombons. Porém, em meio a tantas guloseimas, como preservar o bem-estar dos consumidores? Nutricionista clínica do São Cristóvão Saúde, Danielle de Paula Scaldelai Ferreira traz uma série de dicas para quem
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What We’re Looking For
Industry experience
Experience matters, and we like that. Tell us what makes you an expert in your field. Whether you’re a thought leader, designer, developer, or just a knowledgeable writer – we love them all.
Understand the trends
If you think you are capable of understanding recent technological, social media, marketing, business and startup trends then contact with us. We’ll love to hear from you.
Previous writing experience
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Original content
Please remember that cascara accepts article if it original and not published anywhere. If you want to write for us then you would have to follow the following editorial guidelines.
A positive, informative voice
We want to hear your voice in your articles. We always prefer to keep things positive, informative, and inspiring that adds value to our readers. If that sound good say hello to us.
If you are expert in
We are looking content on SEO, SEM, digital marketing, WordPress, social media marketing, PPC, app development, startup, entrepreneurship, business, career & motivation and more.
What We Prefer
Post Word Count
We accept Guest articles usually run about 600 – 800 words giving in-depth analysis of the selected topic. We also publish long form feature articles generally start at around 1200 words that is more compelling.
Compelling Title
We are in a world where people take seconds to decide which article to read. When crafting a title, think about who is your reader, what they are looking for, achieve, or the solution you are giving.
Content Format
f you are attaching a complete article, please submit as a Word document. We encourage the use of in-line hyperlinks for referring to the original sources.
Impressive Intro
Your intro is most impressive section of your article. It decides if the reader will go through the entire content or not. As a writer you should ensure your opening paragraph is engaging and tell the reader what they are going to get from the article.
We Might Take
We receive a large volume of submissions daily we will contact you only if our editors feel that your content idea really impressive. We try to reply all the submissions we get within two working days.
We Hate Duplicates
Your article must be your original work, has not previously been published. If your article is approved that should be solely on the cascara website and must not later be republished.